
Behavior change may be our best hope for stemming the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Why is it so hard to evaluate the interventions?


8 minute read

The malaria parasite’s life cycle relies on humans and mosquitoes. Could we use the mosquito to stop the parasite?


11 minute read

As drug resistance threatens existing antimalarials, two scientists pursue radically different strategies for developing new drugs against malaria.


9 minute read

Philip Thuma’s lifetime in rural Zambia makes him uniquely qualified to combat malaria. But can his wildly successful model work without the man himself?


14 minute read

Their lives upended in a second, trauma survivors find that regaining their physical health is just one part of recovery.


16 minute read

Losing patients and bleeding red ink, Metro City Hospital is on life support. MHA students plan its rescue.


3 minute read

Can a new campaign that emphasizes collaboration and communication save infants’ lives in Baltimore?


7 minute read

Decades of meticulous science proved that a low-sodium diet could reduce your blood pressure. Now comes the tricky part: extracting salt from the food supply.


10 minute read